
When it comes to the fashion industry, there are systemic problems that are having a significantly negative impact on our world. We believe fashion brands have a moral duty to make sustainability a core aspect of their business model.

Although a. wolf is still a small operation, we're committed to developing a business that prioritises leaving as little impact on the planet as possible, looks after our people and positively impacts our local community.

So, what is a. wolf doing?

We focus on creating clothing that has as little mpact on the environment as possible. Firstly, all our shirts are exclusively made from 100% Organically Grown Cotton as certified by Control Union, sourced from highly accredited mills in Turkey. Our shirts are then produced in London, keeping our supply chain geographically compact, and ultimately helping reduce our carbon footprint.

Alongside our fabric, the additional elements that create an a. wolf shirt are sustainably sourced and made in England:

Our labels are either damask weave from recycled yarn, or recycled satin. 

The buttons are a natural material called Corozo, derived from the nut of the Tagua Palm. This grows in the equatorial rainforests of central America and you can find out more here.

And lastly, we've ensured that the delivery of your beautiful shirt leaves as little impact on the environment as possible. It will arrive in a World Land Trust certified carbon-balanced paper envelope, wrapped in recycled tissue paper, and tied with a 100% recycled bottle ribbon (which could be re-used for something else!)